Best Clinical Research Institute

Admission Policy - CliniLaunch

By registering/enrolling for any course, whether it be through online or offline means, provided by CliniLaunch, the student shall acknowledge the consent to abide by the terms and conditions of enrollment as specified by CliniLaunch Research Institute. They shall adhere to policies, rules, and regulations established by the institution.

  1. CliniLaunch disclaims any liability for any influence or coercion, whether actual or perceived, that may impact the student’s enrollment decision. The student acknowledges their sole responsibility for making an informed decision based on the course enrollment information provided by CliniLaunch. To ensure a well-informed decision, the student is strongly encouraged to seek clarity and guidance from CliniLaunch before enrolling.
  2. The fee paid by the student for the course enrollment is non-refundable and non-transferable. Furthermore, check out the Return and Refund Policy – CliniLaunch
  3. The student is required to pay the fee based on the prescribed schedule. If the student fails to pay the fee on time, the enrollment cancellation without compensation, check out the Return and Refund Policy – CliniLaunch page.
  4. The student must pay the fee by demand draft or cheque drawn or online in favor of CLINILAUNCH RESEARCH INSTITUTE.
  5. CliniLaunch retains the authority to adjust and revise the rules and regulations, provided such adjustments are made in a reasonable and non-discriminatory manner and with sufficient notice provided to the student community.
  6. Students are expected to adhere to a Code of Conduct that outlines acceptable behavior during the course. This Code of Conduct will be provided to all enrolled students and will detail expectations for respectful communication, professional conduct, and maintaining a distraction-free learning environment. CliniLaunch reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including course cancellation, for violation of the Code of Conduct.
  7. For verification purposes, students are required to present original educational certificates and documents, at registration, prior to course commencement. CliniLaunch will verify the authenticity of the documents and promptly return them to students.
    • Assessment Participation: Successful completion of the course requires participation in all scheduled assessments, either during the course or within a designated timeframe afterward. CliniLaunch reserves the right to determine the specific assessment format and schedule.
    • Evaluation Criteria: Student performance and progress will be evaluated based on a predefined set of criteria outlined in the course curriculum and aligned with the learning objectives. These criteria will be made available to students upon enrollment. Course Completion Requirements and Evaluation:
  8. The student’s participation in the placement process is voluntary. However, by choosing to participate, the student agrees to attend interviews on the designated dates organized by the placement cell at any designated venue. Following the selection process, if an offer of employment is made and accepted by the student, they are expected to join the organization and location specified in the offer on the agreed-upon date and time. For full details and student responsibilities, please refer to our Placement Policy Guidelines.
  9. CliniLaunch requires students to actively participate in all scheduled course sessions, regardless of online or offline format. Active participation may include but is not limited to, attending live sessions (if applicable), completing assigned activities within deadlines, and contributing to online discussions.
  10. Student Absences and Missed Sessions:
    • Authorized Absences: Students are permitted to request a maximum of two excused absences for scheduled sessions within a calendar month.
    • Requesting Absence: To be excused, students must submit a written request for absence with a valid justification to the CliniLaunch coordinator in advance.
    • Unexcused Absences: Absences exceeding three consecutive days will be considered unexcused and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including enrollment termination. A notification will be sent to the student and, if applicable, their designated guardian, outlining the consequences of their absence and potential next steps.
    • For further details regarding absence policies and potential consequences, please refer to the CliniLaunch Return and Refund Policy.


  11. CliniLaunch offers an independent learning program designed to enhance knowledge in various healthcare-related study areas. This program does not constitute professional training or certification in any specific healthcare field. Participants are solely responsible for ensuring the program aligns with their individual learning goals and any applicable licensing or certification requirements.
  12. CliniLaunch reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, in accordance with its established student code of conduct, in the event of a student’s demonstrably immoral or unethical behavior.
  13. CliniLaunch Course Materials and Intellectual Property:
    • Student Responsibility: Students are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards and respect CliniLaunch’s intellectual property rights.
    • Course Materials: All course materials, including printed materials, non-printed materials, and training modules, are the sole property of CliniLaunch. Students are granted a limited license to use these materials solely for their education and training within the scope of the course.
    • Unauthorized Use: Sharing, distributing, or selling any CliniLaunch course materials to a third party without prior written consent from CliniLaunch constitutes a breach of this agreement and may result in legal action, including termination of enrollment without refund.

    Enrollment Cancellation and Refund Policy:

    • CliniLaunch reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrollment and withhold any refund in the event of a material breach of this agreement, including but not limited to unauthorized use of course materials, data infringement, or copyright violations.
    • Students are encouraged to review the full terms and conditions of enrollment before registering for a course.
  14. In any case of disputes arising concerning the policy of the course, the parties agree to attempt resolution through binding arbitration in accordance with the 1996 Arbitration and Conciliation Act. The arbitration shall be conducted by a sole arbitrator mutually agreed upon by both CliniLaunch and the student. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within 30 days of a dispute notification, a neutral third-party arbitrator service will be used to appoint a qualified arbitrator. The arbitration shall be conducted in Bangalore, Karnataka
  15. CliniLaunch acknowledges that unforeseen circumstances may arise, potentially hindering a candidate’s ability to complete the course within the originally scheduled timeframe. In such instances, candidates may submit a request to reschedule their course access by contacting CliniLaunch support at However, please be advised that rescheduling is subject to CliniLaunch’s approval and availability.

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Please Note : By continuing and signing in, you agree to CliniLaunch's Terms & Conditions and Retuen & Refund Policy

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